Saturday, 31 March 2012

happy april.

3 months of 2012 have already flown by. although it feels like a long year, it'll be over before we know it. a and i will have achieved part 1 of our working goals! but for now. happy April!

In April, a will get her well deserved trip back home. quality time with her family and m. only 12 days to go! she's got lots planned and i really wish she'd have longer there, but we're keeping our goals in mind! we can do it! jia you my dear.

the next 12 days i will be frantically putting together my next lot of assignments to send off and starting my next assignment. it's also officially 20 days before my auntie arrives, starting our family reunion celebrations. (although it's not a complete reunion, grandma insists may is way too cold for a trip to akl.)

spontaneous dessert creation today, especially for dad! he made some homemade (and home-grown) strawberry jam this week. so i put together some vanilla cream and shortcrust pastry for his dessert. a and i love the way it looks. maybe it'll go on our cafe menu someday.

daylight savings for NZ this weekend, meaning we all got an extra hour! for those of us with loved ones in asia, it brought us one hour closer to all of them. only 4 hours apart from mum and gran, 5 hours from a now!

with all that being said i think April is something to look forward to.
love, h

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