Sunday, 13 May 2012

home sweet home | manly.

hello you!
first off before anything, i have been super slack with this blogging. and its been a while since i've come on here. despite all the busy-ness in april and following into may, i thought it was time to start up again. now that h and i's visitors have all returned home, our lives are back to normal which probably means that blogging will become a more regular occurrence.

mid-april, i visited home for about a week. the holiday was way too short but at least i managed to see the whole family, see m and meet his friends and see my friends and most importantly i got two months worth of h's letters! and a beautiful package sitting on my table when i arrived. thank you h, i loved every single letter on every little piece of paper. and your presents were just that more awesome. 
thank you!

while i take time to sort through my photos, i thought instead of blogging on every day and what i did, i would just blog on my favourite places.

first one of the series is my home in manly. home sweet home. i managed to take my camera out for a ride for a few days and managed to take some nice shots. too bad that half the week i was home it was raining though. haven't yet figured out how to take nice photos in the rain. any tips?

i love manly. and not just because it's home.
thought i'd just start off with a little taste of sydney. more posts to come, watch this space!

goodnight for now though.
love a.

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